Directed by Tova Krentzman, Fire Tower brings the viewer 100 feet above the boreal forest into American lookout towers....
Directed by Aeyliya Husain and Amie Williams, An Unfinished Journey follows four Afghan women of position and influence – Nilofar...
Directed by Alfredo Pourailly de la Plaza, The Fabulous Gold Harvesting Machine follows Toto, an aging father who spends his...
Directed by Neil Diamond and Catherine Bainbridge, Red Fever is a stunning look at the world’s historical fascination with...
National Geographic is behind a film that many will call a spiritual successor to Free Solo as...
A TELUS original, based in the west coast, Curl Power follows the 4K girls, a high school...
Directed by Pamela Hogan, The Day Iceland Stood Still follows the impact of October 24th, 1975 when 90% of...
Directed by Samuel Habib, The Ride Ahead follows the 21-year-old as he is clamouring to move out of his...
Even before the current violence in Gaza, the history of Israeli-Palestinian interactions has been filled with violence...
Can a photo reframe history? Directed by Jennifer Takaki, Photographic Justice: the Corky Lee Story chronicles the 50-year journey...