Amrou Al-Kadhi’s debut feature film Layla, which premiered at the 2024 Reel Asian Film Festival, is a...
If ‘fierce’ is a film, it might be Compulsus. Compulsus tells the story of Wally (Lesley Smith), a woman...
At a crossroads financially and professionally, Rita (Zoe Saldana), a talented and undervalued lawyer, is tapped to...
Really Happy Someday tells the story of Z (Breton Lalama), a rising star in Toronto’s musical-theatre scene. However,...
When the National Anthem is played, everyone is invited to rise up together. National Anthem follows Dylan (Charlie Plummer), a...
By Robert Bellissimo “Je, Tu, Il, Elle” was Chantal Akerman’s debut feature film from 1974. She co-wrote...
Directed by Regan Latimer, Bulletproof: The Lesbian’s Guide to Surviving the Plot explores the nature of Queer representation in...
In 1980s New Mexico, gym manager Lou (Kristen Stewart) meets and falls for body builder Jackie (Katy...
What does it mean to reach for your dreams? Directed by Jason Karman, Golden Delicious follows Jake (Cardi Wong),...
You will know by the film’s title whether or not you will be interested in Dicks: The Musical....