In 2002, Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise teamed up to deliver Philip K. Dick’s science fiction short...
In 2011, before?Silver Linings Playbook,?American Hustle, and?American Sniper, Bradley Cooper starred with Robert De Niro in a...
ABC’s new comedy, The Muppets, premiered this week. The show is a mix of nostalgia, bringing to...
As we prepare for the fifth season of Once Upon a Time, the ABC drama that retells...
Imagine waking up and not knowing who you are. Now imagine you wake up in the buff,...
In this week’s?installment of small screen entertainment, we take a look at the long-running NCIS (twelve seasons!),...
In our third installment of TV-related reviews, we tackle Gotham, Madame Secretary, and Harry. Gotham: The...
In the second installment of SmallFish, we deliver a look at a trilogy of the haunted, that...