Vandits comes as a film that once again sees minor acting celebrities trying their hand at an...
In Mauro Borrelli?s Mindcage, a serial copycat killer is on the loose. The police must ask the...
Love him or hate him, James Cameron understands the cinematic experience. Over the last 40 years, Cameron...
?Are you searching for truth?? ?Isn?t everyone?? ?And if you find it, what then?? In Benediction, from...
To study film is often tied with the study of humanity. Whether the truth or fiction, film...
Set in the American South, the new documentary Free Puppies! is an eye-opening journey into the scary realities of...
?They had said, ?We will come back for you. No matter how long it takes, we will...
Casper Kelly is made a name for himself by leaning into the chaotic and bizarre. Breaking onto...
Sports films can become pretty formulaic – underdog team trains hard, persists through a beautiful sweaty montage,...
Noah Baumbach?s latest is the first time he’s leaned into a text full of metaphor and symbolic...