I’ve never talked about TV Shows during the year. I don’t see as many shows as I...
Directed by Matthew J. Saville, Juniper tells the story of Sam (George Ferrier), a teenager struggling with self-destructive behavior. When...
Guitar Lessons?tells the story of Ray (Corb Lund), a gruff oilfield contractor who once was a relatively...
?Days like this, I miss Siberia.? A new phone becomes the catalyst for an older man to...
?You?re never haunted by just one ghost.? Northern Shade, first feature from writer/director Christopher Rucinski, is a...
When a film opens with a quote from Wikipedia, you know you?re in for something special. Directed...
In almost every way, this?Shadowtown?is a mood.? Directed by Jon Einarsson Gustafsson and Karolina Lewicka, Shadowtown follows Maya (Brittany...
Sometimes, the best of intentions aren?t good enough to please people. Directed by Brandon Kramer, The First Step follows...
The fact that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has remained so timeless is a true testament to the...
Each year there are Oscars? awarded in three categories of short films: Live Action Shorts, Animated Shorts,...