In Tim Story’s The Blackening, seven friends get trapped in a cabin with a killer who has...
Directed by Anton Corbin, the new documentary Squaring the Circle (The Story of Hipgnosis) follows the relationship of Storm...
Is the dirty little secret about sex the fact that everyone has the same struggles? In The End...
Over the years, Nintendo has defined itself as a brand where adults can feel like kids. Whereas...
Sometimes, a film comes out at a time that makes it a little uncomfortable to review. For...
Scarlet (L’envol) is something of an international mash-up. Italian director Pietro Marcello has very loosely adapted a...
Directed by Sean Claffey, the new documentary Americonned highlights the struggles created by the American economy. With the death...
Past Lives is the directorial debut of Korean-Canadian writer Celine Song that follows an autobiographical story of...
Sometimes, the future feels like it hangs in the balance of a single moment. Directed by Egidio...
Less Than Kosher follows Viv (Shaina Silver-Baird), a 30-year old singer who’s music career remains at a standstill....