After the traumatic death of her husband, Aurora (Noelle Schonwald) decides to flee Colombia in search of...
Does the world still need Indiana Jones? That’s the question that lies at the heart of the...
Directed by Julie Cohen, Every Body is a film that wants to explore and disseminate the assumptions that we...
No matter how one has experienced trauma, it always leaves a mark on the soul. But, Here. Is....
Sometimes, the strength we so badly need is not only for ourselves. Set in England in 1988, Blue...
The title card that opens Rodrigo Cortés’s Love Gets a Room, gives us the setting of the...
Oftentimes, the one with the most secrets is the one with the most scars. Now available on...
I was never planning to write about True Spirit. I didn’t go into it ready to take...
Unfortunately, a lot of this film’s ambitions were too high. Likely hoping to have an indie-action phenomenon...
I always say that the best horror films are the ones that have something to say. And...