One, two;?Freddy’s coming for you. That’s it. If done properly, in that sing-song, little-kid-nursery-rhyme-double-Dutch kind of way,...
Once upon a time there was a very gentle man with a very gentle smile and a...
In the second installment of SmallFish, we deliver a look at a trilogy of the haunted, that...
I was skeptical of George Miller’s sequel to his?Road Warrior?films after so many years away. Seriously, he...
Our own legendary horror writer and auteur, Jason Norton, mourns the passing of one of horror’s masters....
Consider:?You?re an adolescent girl teetering on the cusp of womanhood, and you have an uncanny ability that...
ScreenFish delivers SmallFish, our look at shows on television. This week's installment delivers NCIS: NO & LA,...
For some reason, it doesn?t feel right to watch Scanners without enjoying a steaming, swollen, foil-bursting pan...
Ah kids. They’re quite the handful, right?? Always getting into mischief, antagonizing their siblings, tormenting the family...
Molly Moon has a few good moments, but they?re sparse in a dark, drab film that?s mostly...