Many thanks to Isla. Directed by Christian Sparkes, The King Tide tells the story of Bobby (Clayne Crawford), the...
Unsung Hero is on the radar of Christian music fans because it’s the background story of for...
Our next giveaway is worth fighting for! Thanks to our friends at Shinn Communication, we’re giving away...
Set during the 16th Century, The Inventor follows the iconic Leonardo Da Vinci (Stephen Fry) as he has come under...
The Secret is out. Hosted by 10-year-old Taviss Edwards, Secrets of the Forest takes the viewer into the National Parks of...
When the hive is threatened, you need to unleash the sting. In The Beekeeper, Jason Statham plays Adam...
Even before the current violence in Gaza, the history of Israeli-Palestinian interactions has been filled with violence...
Can a photo reframe history? Directed by Jennifer Takaki, Photographic Justice: the Corky Lee Story chronicles the 50-year journey...
This documentary will make you nauseous. Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo are back with a sequel to...
Set in 1987, Before I Change My Mind follows Robin (Vaughan Murrae), a youth who moves to Alberta with...