Directed by Sama Pana, Drawing a Line follows Rachita Taneja, a political cartoonist who lives in India. Taneja is...
Apparently, remakes can still be fetch. Mean Girls tells the story of Cady Heron (Angourie Rice), a teenager...
The latest Marvel universe film is not one you’d expect. It’s Sony’s take on another character from...
Directed by Samuel Habib, The Ride Ahead follows the 21-year-old as he is clamouring to move out of his...
By Robert Bellissimo Any Other Way: The Jackie Shane Story is a moving portrait of the incredible R&B singer...
Directed by Mike Cheslik and co-written by star Ryland Tews, Hundreds of Beavers tells the story of...
When the world has gone mad, is it possible to remain Humane? Directed by Caitlin Cronenberg, Humane depicts a world...
“My dad used to say that the beginning of liberation is to raise your flag. The highest...
In the 2005 crime thriller The Departed, Martin Scorsese moved A-list actors like Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio,...
I don’t know if a film in recent memory has validated its title more than Boy Kills World....