Jon M. Chu’s highly anticipated adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical, Wicked has arrived and is absolutely...
When poison outside of the home infects the inside of it, the results can be catastrophic. Directed...
“Will I be making a completely new friend?” Will & Harper, a documentary directed by Josh Greenbaum,...
Set in the mid-1800s, Nosferatu follow real estate agent Thomas Hutter (Nicholas Hoult) the young husband of Ellen (Lily-Rose...
Sometimes, the best artists are the ones that remain A Complete Unknown. Set in 1960s New York, A Complete...
Admittedly, What If…? has steadily grown on me. I have often said that mega-franchises like Marvel and Star Wars...
The corporate world is a place of power, politics and positioning. But the bedroom can also be...
Looking for one last gift under the tree? This one is anything but brutal… Thanks to our...
The realities of the American dream can be nothing short of brutal. Directed and co-written by Brady...
By Robert Bellissimo I’ve always loved Christmas. When I was a child, I would wake my parents...