Finding Dory served up a sequel/spinoff of the world that Nemo inhabited, with Ellen DeGeneres’ squeaky regal...
Mars is a challenging reminder of why space exploration is so risky and yet holds out so...
“The past is already written. Stay too long where you don?t belong and you will never return.”–...
?It?s twisted.? That brief line of dialogue defines Paul Verhoeven?s Elle in more ways than one. The...
The 30th Edition of AFIFEST Presented by Audi is underway. This festival is a wonderful collection of...
Paul Schrader wrote/co-wrote Raging Bull, Last Temptation of Christ, Taxi Driver, and Bringing Out the Dead, films...
The film should be viewed as a spoof and homage to 1960s sexploitation fare. When Elaine first...
This is a bit of history that will soon be relegated to a time beyond the memory...
When Curtis Gentry (Craig Robinson) relocates to Germany to get a new job, while still recovering from...
?You?ve spent your whole life looking through a key hole.? ? The Ancient One When Robert Downey...