The past is far more haunting than any apparition. Directed by Christian Sparkes, Sweetland tells the story of Moses...
Sixteen years after the cult classic changed the horror genre, The Strangers are back with another installment...
The studios simply have no idea what to do with I Saw the TV Glow. The marketing for TV...
It was never going to be an easy task. Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, Back to Black is an ambitious...
Even after almost 20 years, Mean Girls is still ‘fetch’. In Mean Girls, we follow teenager Cady...
Three Promises, from Yousef Srouji, is the story of a family living through a very difficult situation—Palestine,...
Set in 1992 within the Cabrini Green neighbourhood of Chicago, We Grown Now looks at the lives...
No matter how hard you try, you can’t escape the past. Directed by Sean Garrity, The Burning Season follows...
The Israeli-Palestinian situation is obviously complex and often controversial. It has been an area of conflict for...
After almost seven years, it’s time to go back to the Planet of the Apes. Although the franchise...