Directed by the award-winning documentary filmmaker Owsley Brown (Night Waltz: The Music of Paul Bowles; Music Makes...
I have a t-shirt that reads ?The older I get the better I was.? That sentiment immediately...
In Disney’s latest princess film, the daughter of a Hawaiian village chief hears the call of the...
Fire is life. Without it, we cease to be what we are.
There’s much to be said about an actor playing a particular role in film nine times. In...
This is a film that does not rely on tension to create horror. Rather it loads the...
Can the words of an African-American writer who has been dead for three decades speak to the...
In Before I Fall, high school senior Samantha Kingston (Zoey Deutch) lives the same day over and...
While I tend to think of Robert Zemeckis as a comedy/drama director, in the World War II...
Benedict Cumberbatch is everywhere, and I don’t even mind. Sometimes Khan and sometimes Sherlock Holmes, occasionally historic...