In the debut our new page, “OtherFish,” where we’ll cover the various pieces of media that catch...
The Transfiguration is a different kind of vampire movie. But then it?s not really a vampire movie...
Of course, this is not just a history lesson of a turbulent time. The film never mentions...
Janine “Smurf” Cody (Ellen Barkin) runs her family with an iron fist. She’s the mother and grandmother...
It is rare that a film can seem to be poetry, and that may be even more...
At the end of the day, we all want to go somewhere that has a roof to...
There are four main animals that we get to meet and learn about: giant pandas, golden snub-nosed...
The modern concept of genocide did not begin with the Holocaust; it started with the attempted extermination...
Who is Smurfette and what is her purpose? This is the question, or problem, to be answered...
How do we make the choices in our lives? Are many of them made for us, or...