Game of Thrones Season 6: The Blind will See, The Dead will be Raised

“The past is already written. Stay too long where you don?t belong and you will never return.”– Three-Eyed Raven The sixth season of HBO’s?Game of Thrones?has received critical renown (winning twelve of its twenty-three nominations for Emmys) and grown the fan base that watches each episode. Combining original material with elements of two previously written…

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Elle – Obsessions and Revenge

?It?s twisted.? That brief line of dialogue defines Paul Verhoeven?s Elle in more ways than one. The plot certainly has very interesting turns along the way, but the convolutions of the personalities are what really make this entertaining and interesting. This is an intense psychological thriller, with the accent on psychological. Mich?le (Isabelle Huppert) is…

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Dog Eat Dog – Aiming For Noir

Paul Schrader wrote/co-wrote Raging Bull, Last Temptation of Christ, Taxi Driver, and Bringing Out the Dead, films directed by Martin Scorsese. But with Dog Eat Dog, Schrader directs an eclectic cast that serves up a weirdly engaging film based on Edward Bunker?s 1995 novel. Unfortunately, Schrader didn’t write this – and it doesn’t come close…

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