100 Streets: Idris Elba Gives It a Go

Idris Elba stars in a none-Elba-like role, here as a retired rugby star named Max whose marriage to former actress Emily (Gemma Arterton) is dying. Both of them are unfaithful: he’s hopping from relationships to alcohol; she’s involved with an old flame (Tom Cullen). But this?Crash-like ensemble piece involves two other pairings we’re inclined to…

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Solace: Lost in Your Own Head

Solace?was initially supposed to be a sequel to?Se7en but somewhere in development, it became a standalone thriller by director Afonso Poyart (commentary included). Here, Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s FBI Agent Merriweather and his partner Agent Cowles (Abbie Cornish) find themselves in too deep with a strange set of murders, so they turn to Merriweather’s old partner,…

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