Ever since the Star Wars series began with what was later named A New Hope, the Force...
Just Getting Started tells the story of Duke Diver (Morgan Freeman), a lovable hustler in the Villa...
The demise of the Western has been greatly exaggerated. But in one seven-episode swoop, writer/director/creator Scott Frank...
When I saw this film at AFI Fest, it played to a packed house. It wasn?t one...
Alice Kinney (Reese Witherspoon) needs a reboot and gets the fresh start she never expected in?Home Again,...
The choices we make compose the fabric of our lives. We should make them wisely.
David Lynch took back the writer/director’s chair for the eighteen hours of Showtime’s return to Twin Peaks,...
Boasting a cast that includes Steve Carrell, Kristen Wiig, Julie Andrews, Steve Coogan, Miranda Cosgrove, Trey Parker,...
In Warner Brothers’ latest Hitchcock collection, audiences everywhere can see fifteen of the Master of Suspense’s greatest...
I saw this film on Thanksgiving weekend, and it was amazingly appropriate. So much of our time...