Written and directed by Bo Burnham, Eighth Grade?follows the story of Kayla (Elsie Fisher), a pre-teen girl...
Hotel Transylvania brought us the story of a safe space for all monsters, a touching father/daughter relationship,...
Directed by Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting, Elephant), Don?t Worry He Won?t Get Far On Foot...
Ernest Cline?s book Ready Player One, was a massively geeky love letter about the 1980s wrappd in...
If you’re in the thirty to fifty range, and spent?any?time in an arcade, you know that you...
I don’t do horror. Don’t like it, can’t stand it, don’t want to watch it. But I...
Path of Blood is an opportunity to meet a few Islamic terrorists. Yeah, not the people I...
Custody is a moving look at the pain that can come from a family disintegration?especially as that...
In Damsel the Zellner Brothers play with some typical movie genres. As a result viewers are asked...
Leave No Trace?follows the story of Will (Ben Foster) and Tom (Thomasin Mackenzie), a father and daughter...