Brand New Old Love tells the story of Charlie (Arturo Castro) and Hannah (Aya Cash), two former...
“There is an answer for every question.” — Joe West Six months after Barry Allen AKA The...
Before she was the Notorious RBG, Ruth Bader was a kid from a Jewish family in Brooklyn,...
In 1931 Paris, Henri Charri?re (nicknamed ?Papillon?, or ?Pappy? because of the butterfly tattoo on his chest),...
In short, this had the potential to be a new Sullivan?s Travels. Instead it is just the...
Directed by Jesse Peretz (Our Idiot Brother, Girls), Juliet, Naked?tells the story of Annie (Rose Byrne), a...
TV premieres will always have the need to hook the audience from the opening frames to engage...
Gotham?is the best DC television show on TV, since?Smallville. While?Arrow,?Supergirl, Krypton, DC Legends of Tomorrow, and others...
by Tom Lester, Contributing Writer A very unlikely movie to review from a faith perspective for a...
In post-apocalyptic fiction we are used to seeing the dystopian aftermath. Gangs, lawlessness, greed, violence. When the...