Let’s be honest, the average moviegoer probably has no interest Alita: Battle Angel… and I was one...
A Star is Born tells the story of veteran musician Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) who, stumbling into...
?If there?s family, there?s respect. If there?s respect, there?s honor. If there?s honor, there?s word. If there?s...
Written and directed by Jason Reitman, The Front Runner?follows the story of Gary Hart (Hugh Jackman), former...
In Cold Pursuit, Nels Coxman (Liam Neeson) lives a quiet life as a snowplow driver in the...
I must admit that when I read the synopsis of Arctic (directed by Joe Penna), it reminded...
?This is a dead isle. We?re only here because we have no choice.? In The Isle, three...
Stieg Larrson’s Girl with a Dragon Tattoo is back, but the new story is by?David Lagercrantz and...
Gone are the days when a cast of white men carry the action thriller. Since the premiere...
?When a man tries to play God, the darkness awakens.? Based in Jewish folklore, The Golem is...