By Jason Thai Streaming on Amazon Prime, The Boys is a superhero television show that parodies DC...
As Give Me Liberty opens, we hear and then see a bedridden man who tells of being...
Written and directed by Paul Downs Colaizzo, Brittany Runs a Marathon tells the story of a hard-partying woman (Jillian...
Somewhere, in a galaxy far far away, in an outpost called Anaheim, there is a disturbance in...
In the sequel to 2014’s Godzilla, writer/director Michael Dougherty pits the giant reptile against the three-headed, winged...
Angel Has Fallen sees the return of?Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) who is arrested after...
Has Disney killed Star Wars? Ok, so before we get into it, let?s start with this? No,...
Elton John is a worldwide superstar of music and style, and with Paramount’s Rocketman, John’s story of...
Martha is dying, so she moves into a retirement community to spend her last days. She meets...
A remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Steve Martin and Michael Caine), The Hustler follows the accidental meeting...