Directed by Colin and James Krisel,?Last Moment of Clarity?is a thriller mystery film about Sam (Zach Avery),...
The 93rd Bomber Group was a highly decorated American fighting unit in the Second World War. In...
Directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, Becky is a gory thriller centring around a young (and...
In Abel Ferrara?s Tommaso, the lines between imagination and reality are never clearly demarcated. That is true...
Other movies have shown us class warfare: District 9, The Hunger Games, Fight Club, Mad Max, even...
Directed by Judith Helfand, Love and Stuff is chock-full of substance, and despite the numerous topics that...
?You?re the adult, right?? Adulthood is something that Bridget (Kelly O?Sullivan, who wrote the script) hasn?t quite...
If Steve Carrell’s Michael Scott had cursed more and been in charge of the new presidential directives...
Netflix’s latest straight-to-streaming films are certainly rivaling what’s available in theaters. Too soon? In the romantic comedy...
While the title may suggest otherwise, never underestimate the girl. At 18, Kate Nash burst onto the...