Set in 1980?s Newfoundland,?Black Conflux?explores the life of Jackie, a troubled teenage girl, and Dennis, a lonesome...
Sweet Girl, a Netflix thriller, stars Jason Momoa as Ray Cooper, a veteran and father who watches...
From podcasts to true crime stories, the mystery genre has never been hotter and, thankfully, the sheer...
Let’s just get this out of the way: Reminiscence is like a mash up of Inception and...
Set in rural Alberta,?They Who Surround Us?tells the story of Roman (Troy Ruptash), a Ukrainian farmer who...
What once was lost now is found? and it’s gonna cost you a bundle to enjoy it?...
What happens on vacation doesn?t always stay on vacation. Vacation Friends tells the story of Marcus and Emily...
Stephen Wallis?s Defining Moments is a collection of intersecting stories about people who are facing those times...
Adventure into a far off place. A familiar foe who now has access to unlimited power. Emotional...
Few people have the visual sensibilities of Neill Blomkamp. The director of District 9 and Elysium, Blomkamp has always managed...