Café Daughter: A Touching Film About The Tragedy Of The Model Minority.

If you’ve ever questioned whether the concept of ‘Microaggressions’ was real or you find yourself asking why can’t racialized people move on from racism, Café Daughter will humble those curiosities with heartbreak and an accurate portrayal of how White Supremacy dismantles families. Inspired by the life of Doctor Lillian Eve Quan Dyck, Café Daughter follows…

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Girls State: Incompatible for Comparison?

In many ways, it feels unfair (and even, sexist) to compare Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss’ Girls State to their previous effort, Boys State. (After all, the pairing of these documentaries hardly creates a ‘franchise’.) Quite frankly, the two films are entirely different stories, created within entirely different worlds. But even Girls State can’t escape the world of toxic masculinity….

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The Old Oak: Open the Doors

‘It’s not our pub anymore, innit?’ No, it’s something far better. Directed by Ken Loach, The Old Oak is a pub that’s hanging on by a thread. Barely holding together, the place is still seen as a community hub and its humble owner, TJ Ballantyne (Dave Turner) does his best to keep things running. But the neighbourhood…

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