They may be super but they’re not heroes yet. Set in Metropolis, DC League of Super-Pets tells the story...
Directed by Clio Barnard,?Ali & Ava?tells the story of two people who are both lonely for different...
?Nothing makes sense in this story.? While the quotation above may scare some people off, there is...
When it comes to visual effects, there are few companies that stand out like Industrial Light &...
In?Sharp Stick, Sarah Jo (Kristine Froseth) may be 26-years old but her sexual inexperience plagues her mind....
Jordan Peele has come to dominate the comedic horror genre.? Bursting out of the gate with Get Out and Us,...
Come Back Anytime?may take place in a small Japanese restaurant but its having a big impact. Directed...
?I?m not sure I know how to please a woman.? ?If you can say that, you?re a...
Even in the most desolate areas, love can spark. Beginning in the 1960s, Fire of Love is a new...
It?s always worth the time to step into history. Set on July 19th, 1545,?Time Detectives: The Mystery...