Memoir of a Snail is a stop-motion film directed by Adam Elliot that tells a deeply sad...
Interior Chinatown is about Willis Wu, a ordinary and boring waiter at a Chinatown restaurant. The show...
In the world of Overlord, the true king is marked by their ability to win. But does victory...
Mental illness is no laughing matter. However, humor can come out of very difficult and painful situations....
In order to find what’s real, sometimes you have to fracture the fairytale. Written and directed by...
By Anders Norton, age 14 The Truman Show is a movie about a man who is born and...
This movie should have come with a trigger warning. In this painful drama, director Bachir Bensaddek and...
What is the one true religion? The very question is loaded like a double barrel shotgun. When...
A small French village is about to do a wonderful thing. But when it doesn’t turn out...
Directed by Frédéric Forestier, Open Season follows a Parisian family of four who decide to leave the...