In the third?installment of Ice Cube’s?Barbershop?series, Calvin (Cube) recognizes that if he and his friends want to...
We may not really be used to a film that doesn?t revel in the crisis of conflict....
It used to be that when you mentioned Comic-Con, it was only referencing San Diego. However, in...
In 2005, Terrence Malick delivered a sweeping, epic vision of the seventeenth century love triangle inhabited by...
Elvis & Nixon?highlights the iconic collision of two, larger-than-life personas, as Elvis Presley (Michael Shannon) gains an...
No movie has proved more polarizing in the history of ScreenFish than?Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice....
What does a miracle look like? In the case of Christy Beam, it was all about what...
Reagan era drug wars are the setting for The Infiltrator. Based on a true story, Federal agent...
When he developed All in the Family he created a whole new way of doing American TV....
Films sometimes approach adultery as just another way to find happiness. After all, when you meet someone...