If ‘fierce’ is a film, it might be Compulsus. Compulsus tells the story of Wally (Lesley Smith), a woman...
Our next giveaway will make you smile! Thanks to our friends at Paramount Pictures and The TARO...
In what will be looked upon as one of the most epic modern fails in cinematic history,...
Is it fair? This was the question that our audience was left with after our early screening...
“I can’t be happy sober.” When trapped in the throes of addiction, escape can feel impossible. This...
This is not a bad movie in the slightest, and it's 100% a Joker origin story, just...
“The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready. It goes on because it’s 11:30.” Directed by Jason...
When life throws you into disarray, sometimes the only thing to do is seize the day. Directed...
Our next giveaway is a steal! Thanks to our friends at The TARO Group, we’re giving away...
When pursuing the truth, one can’t let them push you back. Set in the heart of World...