Adapted from the novel by Catherine Hernandez, Scarborough details the lives of three families of various backgrounds who live...
Jason Thai
In?The Middleman, Frank, a man who has suffered from long term unemployment, must take on the role...
Based on the play of the same name, Stephan Karam?s film The Humans is an American drama set within...
In Marvel?s?Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, skilled fighter and assassin Shang Chi (Simu...
Set in 1980?s Newfoundland,?Black Conflux?explores the life of Jackie, a troubled teenage girl, and Dennis, a lonesome...
Free Guy?is an action-comedy film starring Ryan Reynolds as ?Guy,? an NPC (non-playable character) meant for the...
Even though it?s a blockbuster based on a theme park ride that?s filled with bad puns, Jungle...
Set in Iran, Sun Children tells the story of Ali, a 12-year-old boy and his friends who are unfortunately the sole...
With?The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, the iconic horror franchise returns with its third installment....
After the release of his 2004 hit Dawn of the Dead, Zack Snyder finally returns to the...