The Exorcist horror franchise sets out on a daring mission to revive its legendary history in The...
Jason Thai
By examining the moral nuance of its characters, Saw X not only revitalises the Saw franchise but...
In this slasher-comedy Hell of a Summer, which serves as Finn Wolfhard and Billy Bryk’s directorial debut,...
Working Class Goes to Hell follows a small-town union’s struggle for justice after an industrial fire decimates...
Chuck Chuck Baby follows Helen, a very quiet and reserved woman, and her struggles to make ends...
Based on the Cheryl Della Pietra’s semi-autobiographical book from 2015, Gonzo Girl depicts her experiences working for...
The Contestant tells the true story of Japanese reality TV star, Tomoaki Hamatsu (nicknamed Nasubi), who was...
Set in an alternate reality, Fingernails tells of a world where cellphones don’t exist but love-matching machines...
Based off the book, The Cabin at the End of the World, M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock at...
Long after the credits have rolled, viewers will still be thinking about Enys Men. This film was a...