??ou got a lot of words, but you don?t say nothing. You gotta learn to listen before...
Darrel Manson
As Give Me Liberty opens, we hear and then see a bedridden man who tells of being...
If you strip away the sex and dragons from Game of Thrones you have the story of...
Light of My Life opens with a father and daughter camping in the woods as he tells...
Gangster movies ? The Godfather trilogy, Goodfellas, Scarface, et al. ? are often a blend of malevolence...
It?s difficult to put The Mountain from writer director Rick Alverson into a familiar category. Drama doesn?t...
The emotional ghosts of the past are the driving force of the melodramatic The Price for Silence....
The new versions of animated classics essentially diminish the originals. They say by their very existence that...
After nine years, the beloved Disney-Pixar Toy Story franchise continues in Toy Story 4. It brings back...
How can young Israelis decide to move to Germany or Austria, given the historical issues Jews faced...