In the Finnish film Hatching, from director Hanna Bergholm, a girl from a seemingly perfect home looks...
Darrel Manson
Food and sex are among our greatest pleasures. At times, they are intimately linked, especially in films....
?He?s still the most popular athlete in Los Angeles, and that?s saying something.? There is just something...
?Even rebels need a place to come home to.? Because the teenage years are a bridge between...
To what extent do non-human animals experience life? Do they have emotions like ours? Do they suffer...
Charles Murray?s The Devil You Know openly invokes the biblical story of Cain and Abel to consider...
In Jonas Bak?s Wood and Water, we are plunged into a woman?s solitude and loneliness?even in one...
?We are hospitable people?but Bulgaria belongs to Bulgarians.? What does it mean to welcome the stranger? It...
I recently had the chance to speak via Zoom with Dana Canedy, who wrote the book A...
?We are witnessing the disintegration of the world!? The motto of Qu?bec is ?Je me souviens? (?I...