After being allowed to change schools, Boong (played by Gugun Kipgen) decides to bring back his estranged...
Day: September 11, 2024
Ron Howard’s Eden offers a gripping portrayal of the clash between idealism and survival. Starring Jude Law,...
Directed by Luca Guardigno (Call me by your Name, Challengers) offers an adaptation that has both a...
The Brutalist takes in the motion of its characters’ lives so that you can follow them in...
In The End, we find ourselves in an underground bunker at the end of the world. Occupied by...
Directed by Sook-Yin Lee, Paying For It tells the story of Sonny (Emily Le) and Chester (Daniel Beirne), a...
You can’t help fall in love with Young Werther. Directed by José Avelino Gilles Corbett Lourenço, Young Werther tells the...
Charlie Tango is a popcorn movie that you should watch with your friends. Kim (Stacie Mistysyn) has...