From award-winning director Jennifer Baichwal (Watermark, Manufactured Landscapes), Into the Weeds follows Bay Area groundskeeper, Dewayne Johnson. Tasked with using...
Month: April 2022
In the Finnish film Hatching, from director Hanna Bergholm, a girl from a seemingly perfect home looks...
While I’ve never read any of Australian author Aaron Blabey’s books for kids, the animated trailer for...
At some point in our lives, everyone needs a second chance. A Cowgirl?s Song tells the story of...
Food and sex are among our greatest pleasures. At times, they are intimately linked, especially in films....
Have you ever wondered “Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid”? We...
Even when the world is filled with darkness, some stories still shine brightly. Set during the Nazi-occupation...
In recent years, it has become increasingly popular for films to wink at the camera with an...
?He?s still the most popular athlete in Los Angeles, and that?s saying something.? There is just something...
No matter the species, everyone needs a home. Directed by Alastair Fothergill and Jeff Wilson, Disneynature?s Polar Bear follows...