Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, The Lighthousevfollows the journey of Winslow (Pattinson) and Wake (Dafoe), two lighthouse...
Toronto International Film Festival
There goes the neighbourhood? Directed by George Clooney, Suburbicon is a satirical look at the suburban world...
America needs Arrival. Directed by?Denis Villeneuve, Arrival begins on the day that (the latest) aliens appear over...
Somerset, England. Trainee veterinarian Clover Catto (ELLIE KENDRICK, Game of Thrones)?returns to the farm where she grew...
Johnny Depp is back. At least that’s what everyone is saying. In some ways, it’s odd to...
What do you do when you’re hunted by the truth? In Beast, Jaime Gray (newcomer Chad McKinney)...
? ? ?? ? ? At ScreenFish, we’re very conscious of those moments where faith and...
“We were looking for America’s soul.” Say what you will about controversial director Michael Moore, but he...