A family living an idyllic life in the Norwegian countryside cherishes their freedom. When their world is...
Sundance Film Festival
Is there a loved one you long to talk to? Do you think a medium and a...
There are bad guys out there. Who will bring justice to this awful world? If you think...
“This will be a tour about pain…, also a tour that celebrates the people.” It’s hard to...
On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you? That is essentially what is asked...
“What do two crooks know about raising a family?” A Thousand and One, written and directed by...
?I have no idea where my prayers are going.? We enter the world of hospital chaplaincy in...
The issue of abortion is a constant in American politics. That was true even before the Row...
?I?m standing on the sideline of my own life.? Joachim Trier?s The Worst Person in the World...
Journalism has the power to give voice to those who are unseen in society. In Writing with...