Directed by Peter Sohn, Elemental follows Ember (Leah Lewis) a fiery young woman who lives in Element City, a...
It’s hard to be a grump about Miraculous. For several years now, Miraculous: Ladybuy and Cat Noir has been a...
Television series come and go but Futurama is forever. (Or, at least, it seems to be.) And it’s not...
Does the world still need Indiana Jones? That’s the question that lies at the heart of the...
Disney has made a mint by bringing their animated classics to life but the quality has rarely...
Oftentimes, the one with the most secrets is the one with the most scars. Now available on...
Crafting a sequel is a daunting process, especially for a beloved property. For example, after Spider-Man: Into the...
Do you believe in The Boogeyman? Let’s face it. Most of us did as children. Whether it was...
It’s happened. Halle Bailey’s The Little Mermaid is finally here… and oh, the feels. I realised as I wrote...
When you get a call from the Muppets, you answer. While the Muppets themselves may not be...