Sometimes, even the most enjoyable horror films can get lost in the wilderness. Set in 1930s Oklahoma, Hold...
When life throws you into disarray, sometimes the only thing to do is seize the day. Directed...
It was always an unenviable task to return to Riley’s mind. In 2015’s marvellous Inside Out, Pixar created...
Never fear. ‘Marvel Jesus’ is here. After 6 years, a WGA strike and the battle over legal...
You can’t help but love the bad guys. With Descendants: The Rise of Red, Disney takes the viewer...
It seems like the Beach Boys are always right behind the Beatles. The Beach Boys remain one...
After almost seven years, it’s time to go back to the Planet of the Apes. Although the franchise...
After over fifty years, Let It Be is back. Produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the...
After nearly 50 years, Star Wars is finally exploring its dark side. With the release of Star Wars: Tales of...
Can a song save your life? The Greatest Hits hopes so. In The Greatest Hits, Harriet (Lucy Boynton) is still...