Produced by Brigham Taylor (Jungle Book, Tomorrowland), Disney?s Christopher Robin reintroduces fans to such beloved characters as...
Picking up where they left off, INCREDIBLES 2 reintroduces us to the Parr family as they seek...
Incredibles 2 is a fantastic way to spend a couple hours in an air-conditioned theater.? Whether it...
Incredibles 2 continues the story of the Parr family from The Incredibles. While it is ostensibly a...
Ava DuVernay has taken Madeleine L?Engle?s vision and created a dazzling tale of hope and love fit...
As one of the biggest films in box office history,?Avengers: Infinity War has definitely left its mark...
Directed by Ava Duvernay and based on the book by Madeline L’Engle, A WRINKLE IN TIME has...
One of my biggest regrets is I did not read more “classic novels” when I was growing...
Directed by Sean Baker, The Florida Project tells the story of 6-year-old Moonie (Brooklynn Prince) and her...
This week, Steve welcomes back ScreenFish’rs Shelley McVea and Darrel Manson to talk about THE FLORIDA PROJECT....