Some (Fairly Jesusy) Summer Reading List Quick Hits

if you’re like
plenty other people
(and you are, cuz
look at all us humans,
so much more alike
than different),
then you may
read more than normal
during summer months

many of us
(obv including me
in this case)
make a
“Summer Reading List”
of sorts

(actually, i didn’t
necessarily purposely
set out to make said list,
i simply realized:
i have a bunch of books
i’m currently perusing, so…)

anyhoo, here you go:
“Some (Fairly Jesusy)
Summer Reading List
Quick Hits”

(Amazon all of these if you’re
persuaded to peruse too;
i have not been compensated
for what follows
(though perhaps should be 🙂 ))









Stephen King

this is the only
“non-Jesusy” book
i got going
(though, imo,
*everything* is Jesusy
when you think
about it right)
and i’ve been at it for months
cuz it is a TOME . .
but i love me some King,
though i’d never read
this one till now

re-hit my radar
(after dropping off,
honestly, since that?1990 movie)
due to the run-up
to the new one?-
which looks quite cool –
and i’m so?glad it did:
i’m approx 3/4 through
and thoroughly hooked into
seeing?the story play out

King has, undoubtedly,
a great sense for the
of youth
(no surprise,
the bits with the kids
are the best parts here;
in related news, see my
“Eternal Summer”)
and effortlessly
turns phrases
as you turn pages









The Day the Revolution Began
N.T. Wright

i’m a fan of
Wright’s writings,
but this one snuck
past last year

perhaps a third in
and here are my three
main takeaways thus far
(caveat: *my*?takeaways,
not necessarily things
Wright explicitly says):

  1. focusing on a very specific
    and delineated
    “theory of atonement,”
    not our wisest move;
    better, perhaps,
    to simplify to
    something like:
    “there is something wrong;
    Jesus makes it right”
  2. Jesus makes it right,
    most largely,
    *vocationally* speaking;
    this isn’t about
    “heaven after you die,”
    but about God
    remaking reality,
    and us
    (amazingly, now)
    taking back up
    our role in that
  3. what are Christians for?
    worship and witness.
    that’s it.
    i like that cuz it’s
    so. simple.
    and seems so
    clearly right
    (and the alliteration
    don’t hurt either)









What Is the Bible?
Rob Bell

i dig?Rob Bell
and have for years,
ever since listening to
Mars Hill sermons
on podcast

Velvet Elvis?is still
one my faves,
and though i get the
concern over controversy
(with?Love Wins
and already now with
this one – the
specter of heresy,
rearing its head again),
i still just
appreciate Bell’s approach
in general,
for plenty reasons

just a bit in, but
so far so good;
the insights coming
line breaks

tldr: looking forward to
continuing sifting it









Crazy Love
Francis Chan

read at least part of this
at some point in the past,
but can’t pull much of it
from the brain ether, tbh
(don’t get old, kids)

that said, it was
much lauded at the time,
and i remember
making a point to buy, read;
and the
multiple dog-ears in the
copy i’m revisiting tell me:
there are some nuggets there

full disclosure: reading this one
along with my wife
as part of a church group . .
so this one? . .
this one’s about
reading together –
the word
*in community* –
and that?seems
just?perfect to me









Justin Brierley

the?Unbelievable podcast
has become a
weekly date for me;
if you’ve never listened,
Google it and do –
you won’t be disappointed

long story short:
Brierley hosts (typically)
a Christian and a
non-Christian each episode,
and moderates a
about apologetics-related topics –
is there a God?
is Christianity true?
etc. etc.

it’s *fabulous*

this book encapsulates
Brierley’s experiences
doing the podcast
for over a decade,
and (most importantly)
explains his personal
case for Christ –
why he’s still a Christian –
esp. given that he’s had
atheism’s creme de la?creme
(Dawkins, Hitchens, et. al.)
in studio

about half finished with this
and it’s all i’d hoped:
simple, concise,
behind-the-scenes fascinating,

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