Hey everyone,
We, at ScreenFish, hope that you?re doing well in the midst of what may be the craziest time in recent world history. Only a month ago, words like self-isolation, social distancing or ?flattening the curve? just weren?t a part of our every day vernacular, yet here we are. The last few weeks have quickly become a time of anxiety, depression and even loneliness.
We, at ScreenFish, want you to know that we?re praying for you and want to do what we can to help bring us together at a moment when our tendency would be to come apart. Let?s face it, what has always brought us together has been our experiences at the movies or, more specifically, stories themselves. Even though we know now all of you may agree with us, we here believe that God speaks through stories, which is why we?re so passionate about them, but we also care about you as well.
No matter what the situation may be, know that you matter.

As a result, we want to continue to care for our readers/listeners during a time when the world really needs each other. Our team has been talking about ways to keep the lines of communication open between you all and ourselves and we?re taking this opportunity to retool what we do for the next little bit.
For example, Julie has done a phenomenal job in recent weeks keeping up with our podcast while I was away and her 3rd episode will air on Friday about the Invisible Man (which, ironically, comes to VOD the same day now). However, hopefully starting the next week, our podcast will retool for a bit as we talk with some of our podcast friends about ?Comfort Films?, those films that we look towards to bring us up in hard times. Over the next 3-4 weeks, we?ll also be giving away iTunes copies of films to help cheer you up during the isolation. But, believe me, we?re also talking about a number of different possibilities that may help build some community, be it ?watch parties? or discussion times together (if possible).
So, stay tuned. And, more importantly, know that our team is praying for you all in the midst of this difficult time and we?re excited to continue the conversation.