T-34: Rolling to Freedom

Having broken box-office records overseas,?T-34?transports the viewer into the heard of Russia during the Second World War. Having been captured in the field of battle, young lieutenant Ivushkin (Alexander Petrov) is tasked to assemble a group of POWs to aid in training the Nazis tank battalion. However, as they prepare for the exercise, the team…

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Wonder Park: Let Your Imagination Set You Free

June enjoyed building imaginary worlds with her mother (Jennifer Garner), worlds that extended into the real-world where she made amusement-park-like rides out of supplies around the neighborhood. But when her mother gets sick, her father sends her to a camp for math-loving kids. Thing is, June believes her father needs her help, so she runs…

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Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Based on the six-part miniseries by James Tynion IV and Freddie Williams II, the world of the Turtles collides with Gotham in Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. While we all know that the title is a false front – seriously, two sets of good guys actually battling each other? Only the X-men would do…

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Aladdin – Making Way for Prince Ali (Again)

No, he?s not like Robin Williams? and that?s okay. Ever since Disney released the first trailer for Aladdin, their latest?and second of four this year(!)?live-action remake of their own animated property, the #1 issue on the Twitter-verse has been the questions surrounding Will Smith?s portrayal of the Genie. Originally made famous by the wildly frantic Robin…

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High Life: [Star] Trek of the Damned

Told mostly in flashback,?High Lifefocuses on the journey of prisoners who have been told that they would be sent into space for the betterment of mankind, only to discover that they were misled. Supervised by the vicious Dr. Dibs (Juliette Binoche), the convicts are left to their own depravity as they struggle to find meaning…

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