Inside Out ’24: Extremely Unique Dynamic

Written, starring and directed by Harrison Xu and Ivan Leung, Extremely Unique Dynamic tells the story of two best friends on the eve of their goodbye. As Ryan (Xu) prepares to leave town to start a new life, he and Daniel (Leung) decide that they need one last hurrah. With two days left, the duo decide to make a movie about two best friends who want to make a movie. However, as their meta-mayhem unspools, it becomes apparent that Daniel has something he wishes to share but has no idea how to do so. With their friendship in the balance, the two young men work hard to make memories without coming apart at the seams.

Extremely Unique Dynamic positively thrives on the energy of it’s two creators. With their relationship on full display, Xu and Leong have created a film that feels both honest and meta at the same time. As characters playing themselves playing characters, the duo have more than enough charm and chemistry to give their fictional sense of authenticity. 

As Daniel and Ryan commit (sort of) to their project, Dynamic allows us to focus on the struggles within their relationship. Despite the silliness of the film, there’s a tenderness between them that makes their bromance endearing. Preparing to embark on his own journey, we understand Ryan’s frustrations about completing the project. At the same time, Daniel’s earnestness to share his heart with his best friend is handled with tenderness and care. 

It’s this sensitivity that keeps the film from flying off entirely into parody. Although genuinely hysterical, this is a film that still reminds the viewer what it means to truly care for another person, especially when it means sharing your soul.

Extremely Unique Dynamic is playing at Inside Out ’24. For more information, click here. 

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