March 13, 2025

7 thoughts on “How the Shack Wrestles with the Problem of Evil (and You Should, Too)

  1. Thank you so much for this! I have been having conversations with a number of friends/acquaintances who seem to see themselves as theology police and have strongly criticized The Shack and its author. What you have written here elucidates perfectly a number of points that I have been trying to communicate. I will be sharing this post with them in hopes their eyes may be opened.

  2. I went to a private showing on Saturday with 2 of the co authors of the book, Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings (also a producer of the film)…Brad shared that at least 6 cast members invited Jesus into their lives in the filming of this movie…he was there every minute to be sure Hollywood didn’t change the message due to the blindness to the gospel…in doing that many wanted to know who this Jesus really was and he was there to introduce them to Him… is truly a move of God!!

  3. I love this!!! This is what other people need to hear that have read too much into the movie. You explain everything very eloquently and for what the movie actually represents. Thank you!!

  4. I watched the movie the day before yesterday and I loved it. I’m not religious and I did not read the book at the time of its release, just thinking it was a religious story. The funny thing is that nowadays I have been very unhappy with God for the course that the world and my own personal life have been taking, particularly the issue of injustice, the existence of evil in the world and what I have been facing as absolute God’s inertia before it and his impotence to end evil, or to punish the evil practitioner, until I follow the tragedy of the character Mack who gives voice to exactly that my cry – to which the character Sophia surprisingly responds that God can not prevent anyone from being struck by evil because the existence of evil in the world is not His responsibility, that evil exists because of those who do not follow His will – this makes it clear that God, as I suspected, is not the only deity that rules our world, but that if we want His truth and supremacy to prevail and someday actually confer on Him a real omnipotence, it is up to us humans to promote it through our altruistic attitudes and gestures, because the glory of God depends on our sincere aspiration to evolve spiritually for the consecration of His triumph.That was the positive message this movie brought to me. In seeing this truth, I felt very happy, relieved and made peace with God, because, automatically, I ceased to feel displeased and became more understanding and less demanding towards Him – at the same time, beginning to feel closer, more partner and more accomplice of Him! I am eternally grateful for the movie The Shack, only now, I see the time I lost having not read it for a long time!

  5. Spent quite a bit of time hearing reviews on the book. Firmly believe this is a deceptive view of God, heaven, salvation, and hell. I am afraid we have lost our understanding of the gospel. The bad news of sin and death are real and make the good news even more glorious. If anyone doubted Young’s heretical views, his next book ‘The lies we believe about God’ put it all to rest. The only question left is what state are we in within the church that we couldn’t recognize false teaching sooner.

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