February 28, 2025

8 thoughts on “E.T. 35th Anniversary Giveaway: Enter to Win!

  1. Arguably my favorite moment from a Spielberg film is in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where Richard Dreyfuss makes contact with the aliens, when they land on Devil’s Tower. It symbolized the fact that maybe human could co-exist with aliens. There is always humanity in Spielberg’s films that make them complete.

  2. All-time favorite Spielberg movie is The Goonies!!! Favorite moment of The Goonies is when Andy kisses who she thinks is Brandon and it’s actually the cutie Mikey! Great movie, great actors and great score 🙂

  3. It’s impossible to narrow it down to one favorite out of all Spielberg ‘s movies. But for one of my favorite moments, I’ll go with, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” from Jaws.

  4. A few of my favorite Spielberg moments:

    -Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The scene where the UFO’s surround the house gives me chills every time. The lighting, sound effects, and framing of the shots make simple effects look super complex and thrilling. On top of that, the situation of a mother just wanting to protect her child is easily relatable.

    -E.T.: I’m not just saying this because this is a post about E.T., but the bike flying scene tears me up. I love John William’s soaring score and the friendship of Elliot and E.T. take a fantastical approach while evoking very human emotions. Not to mention the bike silhouette is probably one of the most iconic shots ever!

    -Jurassic Park: The tension and focus on the T-Rex’s approach is one of my favorite cinematic moments ever. Once I see that water starting to ripple, I get so excited. The Rex still hold up in my opinion as one of the most convincing things I’ve ever seen on screen.

    -Jaws: The zoom in during the “GET OUT OF THE WATER!” scene is the only time I’ve seen a shot effectively demonstrate what it feels like to have your stomach drop in sheer horror and realization.

    These are just a few that come to mind, but Spielberg is one of greatest film directors of all time. We are seriously so indebted to his work and contributions to modern cinema.

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