In?Burn Country, an Afghan reporter named Osman (Dominic Rains) settles in with his friend’s mother, Sheriff Gloria...
The first thing to keep in mind about The Comedian is that it is not a comedy....
Is there anything that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson can’t do? The former University of Miami Hurricane, the...
In the majority of Lee Child’s?Jack Reacher?novels, our hero is not very complicated, traveling unencumbered with only...
Disney knows how to do inspirational stories. The latest is Queen of Katwe about a Ugandan chess...
Freeman introduces a number of ways people find personal proofs for God. By slowing down, stopping, and...
Lost in Florence is the story of a young man who must find his future. Will he...
Do lies undermine lives?or does the discovery of the truth bring ruination? In The Daughter, an Australian...
In defense of my Best Picture choice LA LA LAND… First of all, as a Black man,...
a while back (on another site), i wrote about how art begets art?- in that case how...