In Blumhouse?s Fantasy Island, the mysterious Mr. Rourke (Michael Pena) generously welcomes five contest winners to his...
Jordan Peele stars as the Rod Serling of the latest iteration of the show Serling debuted in...
The Golden Globes were a sadly terrible affair, with the exception of the tribute to Mr. Tom...
By Johnathan Stowe When the first trailers came out for?Sonic the Hedgehog, I was very sceptical to...
The Times of Bill Cunningham is a documentary about the fashion photographer who was known for riding...
In Olympic Dreams, Jeremy Teicher directs his real-life wife and real-life Olympian Alexi Pappas opposite comedian Nick...
The snow is snowing and the wind is blowing But I can weather the storm! What do...
?Turns out I?m not the only dame in Gotham looking for emancipation.? –Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey After...
?Is God really watching?? Nominated for Best Documentary Feature, The Cave takes us into the darkest of...
Short films are important enough for the Academy to award three Oscars to shorts each year: Best...