Set in a world where humans and mythical creatures call cryptids exist together,?Cryptozoo?follows Lauren (Lake Bell), a...
In Jeanette Nordahl?s Wildland, family is the most important thing in life. But is that good? Can...
Directed by Martin Campbell (Casino Royale),?The Prot?g??follows Anna (Maggie Q), the world?s most skilled assassin. Rescued as...
?Sometimes, I wish God would just reach down and give the world a big old shake, you...
Based on the New York Times best-seller by Liane Moriarty,?Nine Perfect Strangers?is set at an elite health...
Set in the urban jungle of New York City,?Here Today?tells the story of veteran comedy writer Charlie...
Free Guy?is an action-comedy film starring Ryan Reynolds as ?Guy,? an NPC (non-playable character) meant for the...
The Comeback Trail?follows Max Barber and Walter Creason (Robert De Niro and Zach Braff), two down-on-their-luck Hollywood...
By Seun Olowo-ake Before writing this, I asked myself ?what defines soul music?? and found that I...
Hitler. A name that for much of the world connotes absolute evil. But that name is burnt...