Future children, take note. You can make a difference. The latest documentary by Frank Bohm, Dear Future Children follows...
The most heartbreaking thing about the American Dream is to discover that dreams simply aren?t reality. Set...
For the last thirty years, James Bond has captured my attention, with the mix of courage, violence,...
The scariest thing about the present is that it may not be that different from the past....
A Mouthful of Air is a very difficult watch. That’s not to say that it isn?t well done...
In Lindsay Gossling?s 13 Minutes, a natural catastrophe brings devastation to a community. But this isn?t your...
?My baby?s life matters.? Unless we choose willful ignorance, we should all know that Black people in...
Ron?s Gone Wrong?is an unexpected joy. Developed by 20th Century [Fox] Studios, Ron?s Gone Wrong is a weird and wonderful...
Never let it be said that Denis Villeneuve isn?t willing to take risks. After the financial disaster...
In an alternate DC Universe, Joker and Harley Quinn decide to have some fun in Metropolis, at...